Mathematics In Daily Life  

Life without mathematics is like impossible. Even those suffering from math-related phobias cannot escape its everyday presence in their lives. When we take measurements in a recipe and determining whether half of tank petrol will make the destination, every where we use math. From home to work and home to school in all the places in-between, we use math. While in traveling also math is needed ,It is a good idea, for math tutor and parents of reluctant math learners to use real world examples to light a spark of practical interest. Everywhere in daily life we use math.


It is popular about math ,”Mathematics is the gate and key of the Science”. If a math tutor uses real world examples to make student understand math problem then it would be great because students can not avoid math, most take it every day. However, even in history and English classes they may need to know a little math .In this case student have to take help with math.

Math at home:

We use math everyday at home,using measurements in a recipe, or deciding if half a tank of gas will make the destination, we all use math. Some people are not even out of bed before encountering math. Setting an alarm and hitting snooze, they may quickly need to calculate the new time they will arise. People on medication need to understand different dosages, whether in grams or milliliters. All math and decorators need to know that the dimensions of their furnishings and rugs will match the area of their rooms. In daily life we use math almost every minute. That is what student should wander . The help with math only you do your work at your home ,at the office, in traveling and at school .

At the Store:

Suppose we are going to buy a coffee or a car,we need to take help with math ,basic principles of math are in play. For purchasing grocery from the store require some decisions, For which we have to understand the budgets and the cost and affordability of items. Short-term items we only need to know cash-at-hand, but For bigger purchases may require knowledge of amortization charts and interest rates. Math we needed at all the place.


Mathematics in daily life is very important ,from home to store and school to office everywhere we need to apply some basic concept of mathematics.


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